In this tutorial, we will understand Lambda Expressions in Java.
First, we will understand the what and why of the lambda expression, then we will jump into the details.
What is a lambda expression?
Lambda expression was added in Java 8.
It is a block of code that takes in parameters and returns a value. It is an anonymous function with no name, no modifier, and no return type
Why Should we use lambda expression?
To understand the why, we need to actually understand lambda expression, so as of now just note down the below points we will again come back to it.
- It introduces functional programming in java
- Helps to reduce lines of code or helps to remove boilerplate code
- Using lambda expression makes code readable and concise
- Easy to use with API's
Now, let's understand - When to use lambda expressions?
We have an interface Greeting which contains only one abstract method send().
public interface Greeting {
void send();
We have a MessageSender class, in that we have a method sendMessage() which takes Greeting as a parameter and just calls the send method of the parameter.
public class MessageSender {
public void sendMessage(Greeting greeting){
Also, we have created two implementations on the interface Greeting- HelloWorldGreeting and GoodByeGreeting which overrides send() method and print different messages accordingly.
public class HelloWorldGreeting implements Greeting {
public void send() {
System.out.println("Hello World");
public class GoodByeGreeting implements Greeting {
public void send() {
System.out.println("Good Bye");
Now let's see the Main class
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HelloWorldGreeting helloWorldGreeting = new HelloWorldGreeting();
GoodByeGreeting goodByeGreeting = new GoodByeGreeting();
MessageSender messageSender = new MessageSender();
We have created objects of both the class HelloWorldGreeting and GoodByeGreeting and passed the objects to the sendMessage() method of the MessageSender class.
Hello World
Good Bye
Now suppose we need 2 new messages so we need to create 2 new implementations of the Greeting interface again?
No need instead we can use anonymous classes for creating new instances.
Greeting newGreeting = new Greeting() {
public void send() {
System.out.println("Happy Journey");
Still, we are passing an instance of the class which has a method send() (action), what if we pass the action directly as an argument.
Here comes the concept of lambda expressions.
This is how we will pass a lambda expression as an argument.
Greeting lambdaExp = ()->System.out.println("Hello World");
Here we can say that the lambda expression is the same as the send() method.
Now let us understand how the convert the send() method to lambda expression
Greeting lambdaExp = public void send() {
System.out.println("Hello World");
- remove access modifier and return type
Greeting lambdaExp = send() { System.out.println("Hello World"); }
remove the method name as lambdaExp already has a name
Greeting lambdaExp = () { System.out.println("Hello World"); }
add -> after the ()
Greeting lambdaExp = () -> { System.out.println("Hello World"); }
Now the lambda expression is ready since it has only one statement we can even remove the {}
Greeting lambdaExp = ()->System.out.println("Hello World");
Now here there can be a question.
How does the lambda expression know that it corresponds to the send() method of the interface?
If we notice that the interface has only 1 abstract method, so java automatically infers that the given implementation is for the abstract method.
Here, comes the important point - lambda expression only works when the interface has just 1 abstract method and such interfaces are called Functional Interfaces.
As the best practice, if we want an interface to use for lambda expression we can use @FunctionalInterface annotation so that if we add more abstract method to the same interface java give a compile-time error.
So, to summarize till here
If the interface has only one abstract method, that is called Functional Interface.
How to use Functional Interface?
- Create new classes which implement the interface
- Use anonymous class
- Use lambda expression
Lambda Expression != Inner Class
In the above example, we have seen if we create an inner class or lambda expression both perform the same way, but both are different in terms of : scope
Let us understand this example.
public class ThisReference {
void doProcess(int i, Process p){
void execute(){
//call using inner class
doProcess(10, new Process() {
public void process(int i) {
System.out.println(this); // this refer to instance of inner class
public String toString(){
return "This is from Inner class";
//call using lambda expression
doProcess(10, i->{
System.out.println(this); // this refers to the instance where it is called
public String toString(){
return "This is from ThisReference class";
public static void main(String[] args) {
ThisReference thisReference = new ThisReference();
interface Process{
void process(int i);
In the above example, we have an interface Process that has only 1 abstract method - process(int i)
We have a class ThisReference, its execute() method calls its doProcess() method a couple of times.
In the first call, it uses an inner class - here "this" refers to the instance of the inner class
and in the second call, it uses lambda expression - here "this" refers to the instance where it is called.
This is from Inner class
This is from ThisReference class
One more question which can come to your mind is - What new we can do using lambda expression?
We are not doing something new using lambdas, we are just making the code more readable and neat. Even before lambdas were introduced in Java 8, all the tasks were possible.
Also using lambdas we can send functions as arguments to another function.
So far, in this article, we have seen what is lambda expression, why and when to use lambda expression.
In the next article , we will see about closures in lambda expressions, some already available interfaces in java.util.function package, and some more concepts.
If you have any suggestions regarding this article, do mention them in the comments.
Thanks!! Keep Learning !!